2016 AGM guest speaker

Chief Les Karpluk is no stranger to the Canadian fire service, speaking at numerous conferences across Canada as well as being a regular contributor to Fire Chief in Canada and Fire Fighting in Canada. Les has been an integral part of fire service, sitting on many boards and committees. In 2009 he was named CAFC Chief of the year.


“Nothing Less Than Your Best Everyday.”



Far too often a firefighter or chief officer can lose zest for the profession and get stuck in a rut. This rut can stymie their growth and impact the morale of the crew and the firehouse. “Nothing Less Than Your Best Everyday” will provide 12 tips to get out of the rut.

Take Aways

The 12 tips in the presentation can be used by every firefighter and officer in the firehouse. Every firefighter is responsible for their actions and the energy they communicate to others. A significant change in a firefighter’s attitude can create positive ripples that pass into the firehouse.

Chief Karpluk (retired) began his career in the Prince Albert Fire Department in 1982 and worked his way up through the ranks until becoming the Fire Chief in 2006. In 2009 Les was given the honour to be recognized by the Canadian Association of Fire Chiefs as the full time career chief of the year.

In February 2014 Chief Karpluk retired from the fire department with over 3 decades of service.

Les has contributed to writing over 100 magazine articles and blogs has spoken about fire service leadership at conferences across Canada and the U.S.

Les is no stranger to post secondary education and is an avid life long learner. After his retirement he completed his Fire Officer IV as well as received the Emergency Management Certificate from the Justice Institute of British Columbia. He has certificates in Fire Service Leadership and Fire Service Administration from Dalhousie University, the Bachelor of Applied Business: Emergency Services from Lakeland College with Honors and numerous courses from other post secondary institutions.

In April 2014 Les co-authored “Leadership Prescribed: A Handbook for Fire Service Leaders” with Fire Chief Lyle QuanThe book has received great reviews from chief officers across North America.

Today Les devotes his time consulting with volunteer and paid on-call fire departments and presenting leadership seminars and speaking engagements across Canada and the U.S. as well as teaching programs for Dalhousie University and fire officer programs with the Justice Institute of B.C.


2016 CVFSA AGM, when and where?